My favorite season is among us: horror movie season! Oh yes, the joy that it brings to my heart!
Here's my history with horror films: When I was young, I was mortified of scary movies. You couldn't get me near one with a ten-foot pole. One day in high school, something clicked. Horror movies are for entertainment, and although some of them are based on true events and facts, all of a sudden, I couldn't have cared less. Quite bizarre, but worked out for my benefit in the end, because it became a hobby of mine.
I started watching every horror movie I could get my hands on, and to this day, I have become the horror film guru. Here are my four favorite scary movies. I know their scripts, their directors, their writers, and their actors all too well.
4. "The Ring" Director: Gore Verbinski Writers: Ehren Kruger, Koji Suzuki
3. "Carrie" Director: Brian De Palma Writers: Lawrence D. Cohen, Stephen King
2."Rosemary's Baby" Director: Roman Polanski Writers: Ira Levin, Roman Polanski
1. "The Shining" Director: Stanley Kubrick Writers: Stephen King, Stanley Kubrick
If any of you readers want some pointers on great horror films to watch, check out Boston.com's Top 50 Scariest Horror Movies Of All Time. So fun!
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