So I have a couple ideas going on right now. And let me tell you, I am in serious need of a tat-scratch as I call 'em. Those of you that have tattoos know what I'm talking about. Once you start, it is probably almost impossible to stop.
I need another... My mom's going to kill me when she reads this, but I haven't done anything yet, okay, Mom?!
Idea # 1: A small anchor somewhere around my hand/wrist area

I'm thinking the bottom row, second from the left?

Those anchors are a little too bulky for my taste, but I really like the placement.
Idea # 2: An owl on my inner-bicep

This is the only owl I'm really liking right now. I want something realistic, but not scary or creepy looking. That's hard with owls...
Idea #3: I really want something that reminds me of my childhood. Something that is related to Danny Kaye's "Hans Christian Handersen"esque. On my inner bicep?

(Picture on the right. Wouldn't do color though.)

But I'm leaning more towards this one above. I know the film by heart and I dreamed about being her.
And here are just some random tats from Pinterest that I adore:

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a pair Sperry Top-Sider rain boots.
such pretty ideas. i'm getting an anchor on the reverse side of my finger (the palm side), as much as i'd like one on the top, i think that idea suits me more :)
from helen at // @thelovecatsinc
I like the anchor idea, I think that would be so cute! On the wrist though! :) That last fish tattoo is mad cool too!
these are great ideas, but i can't get over how awesome the peter pan tattoo is! also, surprisingly the last tattoo i got didn't itch at all. none. i kept waiting for it to, but it just never happened!
Great ideas. I really LOVE that owl but it's totally your call. I would sit on the idea for at least 3-6 months before doing something. . if you still love it then then it's a sign (: My personal opinion though!
Awesome tats. Puts me in the mood for another. Great blog.
Peace!...with 2 fingers;)
I love the anchor idea. There is just something so wonderfully timeless about them.
I always say go for something that is meaningful to you.
your newest follower here! i think your blog is just great! i love your style.
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