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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Style de Haviland: Denim & Autumn

I'm not big into maxi-skirts, guys. Or rather, I'm not really big into skirts. Period. We just don't seem to get along, but I'm trying to push myself a little lately to get out of my comfort zone and to stop wearing jeans all. the. time. I live in jeans. Me and jeans, we're best friends, ya see? 

But I pulled this sucker out from the depths of my closet and thought, "self, let's do this." 

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So here we are… Feeling a little uncomfortable but pretty sassy!

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Skirt: Forever21 (several years ago)

Tights: From the madre

Knit Poncho: Sperry Top-Sider

Boots: Sperry Top-Sider

Denim Blouse: Madewell (from the madre) 

Necklace: So Good Jewelry


Jessica Holly said...

i LOVE that denim blouse! It's hard to find one without pockets RIGHT over the boobs. just sayin.

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

I love the colour of your skirt! It looks beautiful with the stripes too - though I am a sucker for anything even remotely nautical ;)

Lost in the Haze

Kelsey Bang said...

that poncho is divine! I LOVE IT!


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